Next SIÉTO meeting: November 2, 2024

International Society for Transdisciplinary Studies on Ufology (ISTSU)

Next SIÉTO meeting: November 2, 2024

The next meeting of the International Society for Transdisciplinary Studies in UFOs (SIÉTO) will take place on November 2nd .

8:30 a.m. (Pacific Time)
11:30 a.m. (Quebec time)
5:30 p.m. (European time)

Virtual meeting link:
Meeting ID: 620 0123 8284
Secret code: 839801


  1. Adoption of the agenda
  2. SIÉTO Review (2022-2024)
  3. Election of the members of the Executive Committee
  4. Election of Board Members
  5. First SIÉTO academic conference: November 2025, online and at Université Laval
    List of participants and proposals for papers received by the Scientific Steering Committee
    Organization of the conference
  6. Project of the SIÉTO scientific journal
    List of articles submitted to the Editorial Board
    List of reports submitted to the Editorial Board
  7. Establishment of the SIÉTO Research Centre and Library
  8. Other
  9. Title of the conference

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