References of members and contributors

M.A. Education (Canada)
- President of UFO Québec from 1975 to 1984
- Author of several UFO books, including: several articles on

Dr Jean-Jacques JAILLAT (Francophone Vice-Chairman)
Ph.D. Philosophy (France)
- Author of several UFO works, including:

Dr. Martin JANTA-POLCZYNSKI (Treasurer)
Ph.D. Computer Science and Social Sciences (Canada-Poland)

M.Sc. Chimie (Suisse)
Chimiste diplômé de l’Université de Lausanne, il est actif en ufologie depuis 1984. Il est également intéressé par le paranormal, l’histoire, les conspirations, l’espionnage et les légendes urbaines. Membre des Amis de la Maison d’Ailleurs (AMDA) depuis 1989, correspondant pour la Suisse du Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici (CISU) depuis 1992, membre de la Sauvegarde et Conservation des Études et Archives Ufologiques (SCEAU) depuis 2003, représentant pour la Suisse du Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) depuis 2003, membre du conseil de fondation de la Maison d’Ailleurs (musée de l’utopie, des voyages extraordinaires et de la science-fiction, Yverdon-les-Bains) depuis 2008. Ses principaux articles peuvent être consultés sur sa page Academia.

Ph.D. Folklore (Canada), Researcher at Memorial University of Newfoundland

Edoardo RUSSO
M.A. Economy (Italy)
He has been active with several UFO organizations : Gruppo Clypeus (1976-…), Centro Ufologico Nazionale (1978-1985), Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici (1985-…) and with the editorial boards of several UFO publications : Clypeus (1976-…), Ufologia (1979-1984); Notiziario Ufo (1978-1984); Quaderni Ufo (1981-1983); Ufo Phenomena International Annual Review (1981-1984); Ufo Rivista di informazione ufologica (1986-…) ; Notizie UFO (1985-2000); European Journal of Ufo and Abduction Studies (2000-2003).
He is the author of hundreds articles published both in Italian and in international UFO periodicals, plus several chapters in UFO books and the UFO Field investigation methodology manual. (For a list of his articles and books, see Mr Russo’s Bibliography) He also presented some dozens papers at UFO congresses in Italy and abroad; and has been interviewed hundreds times on radio, TV and newspapers.

Chris RUTKOWSKI (English Vice-Chairman)
M.Ed. Education (Canada), Media Relations and Lecturer at University of Manitoba
Canadian science writer and educator with degrees in astronomy and education. Since the mid-1970s, he’s been studying reports of UFOs and other unusual phenomena including lake monsters, Sasquatch, and the paranormal, writing about his investigations and research in various media. He has nine published books on UFOs and related issues, including Unnatural History (1993), Abductions and Aliens (1999), A World of UFOs (2008), the children’s book I Saw It Too! (2009), The Big Book of UFOs (2010) and is co-author of When They Appeared (2017), written with Stan Michalak. His most recent book Canada’s UFOs: Declassified (2021) details some of the most remarkable UFO cases investigated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Royal Canadian Air Force, and the National Research Council of Canada.
Rutkowski has taught space and astronomy courses through the University of Manitoba continuing education division and the City of Winnipeg Parks and Recreation Program. He is past-president of the Winnipeg Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. He blogs about UFOs and related issues at: and he publishes since 1989 an annual study of UFO reports in Canada called the Canadian UFO Survey at:

M.A. War Studies (Canada)
- Served as an Army Intelligence Officer with the Canadian Forces (CF) for 40 years
- Author of several books, including:

Ph.D. Computer science (Canada)
Dr Richard Tortorella is a computer scientist, Senior IEEE Member and active academic researcher. His current research focus is on the merger of context-aware learning systems with artificial intelligence. His work is dedicated to the promotion and advancement of research in advanced learning systems.
- Assistant Editor: Smart Learning Environments (Springer)
- Director/President of UFO*BC since 1998

Yann VADNAIS (Chairman)
B.A. Classical and Ancient Studies (Canada)
- Director of GARPAN and Éditions Garpan (depouis 2012)
- Author of several UFO works, including: (dir.) From experience to science. Conference Proceedings of the 2nd Canadian International Research Symposium OVNIologiques, October 27-28, 2018, Québec, Garpan, 2021, 620 p.
- ten-year review (2012-2021). Ten years of investigation and research on UFO/humanoid sightings and encounters, Quebec, Garpan, 598 p.
- Essai sur la constitution de l’ufologie au Québec et au Canada, including the statistical study of the Canadian UFO Survey “UFOs in Canada: 25 ans de signalements ufologiques (1989-2013)”, Garpan, 2016, 137 p.

Ph. D. Contemporary History (La Réunion)
- Ovnis sur la France, des années 1940 à nos jours – Tome 1 : Apparitions et chercheurs privés, Le Temps présent, 2017, 512 p.
- Ovnis sur la France, des années 1940 à nos jours – Tome 2 : L’investigation scientifique et militaire, Le Temps présent, 2017, 210 p.
- Les ovnis dans l’Océan Indien, JMG, 2021, 270 p.